• Day 1599

    June 2013: Acacia is a very zen kangaroo who spends much of her time in quiet contemplation.

  • Day 1580

    November 2011: Wet kisses and wet hugs, from The Magic Pudding to his gorgeous mother, Acacia.

  • Day 1500

    March 2013: I just love the serene look on Acacia‘s face as she feeds Gumnut. Acacia’s proven to be a wonderful mother – both Gumnut and Pudding, her first joey, have done very well.

  • Day 1428

    January 2013: Acacia has introduced Gumnut to the shade of her favourite tree on a hot summer’s day – which also featured on a rainy Day 1333. Hard to believe that we actually had rainy days here only three months ago – and it was green!