• Day 1013

    August 2011: Acacia and Pudding down by the same dam, back when Pudding could still squeeze into his mother’s pouch – not any more!

  • Day 999

    September 2011: Pudding and Acacia – the hug of the Millennium! Good morning. Tomorrow this humble mailing list of 130 dedicated macropod fans around the world will go to 4 figures – 1,000 days of almost uninterrupted Kanga-a-Days (I think there was only one day that I missed a post due to a glitch in …

  • Day 981

    October 2011: Dolly, on hop-about with me yesterday afternoon, with Acacia in the background and a splash of green and gold. On that subject, congratulations to Robyn, who became an Australian Citizen yesterday!

  • Day 944

    September 2011: Nursery Scene 2. Acacia and Paris feeding Pudding and Pogi together, with the enclosure and the undergraduates in the background.